NEXT TO NATURE® is a unique formula formerly sold only through doctors for the past 22 years.

This SAFE and GENTLE product has brought effective relief to thousands of constipation sufferers. Next To Nature contains only natural ingredients and is not habit-forming. This DOCTOR RECOMMENDED product was created from an EXCLUSIVE PROCESS concentrating natural Aloe Vera into a convenient form. Next to Nature® is an all-natural aid to regularity, not a harsh chemical laxative.

Unique Formula Formerly Available Only From Doctors And Health Professionals!

One of a Kind Formula

Many stores and some individuals sell Aloe Vera in various forms, but Next to Nature® is a one of a kind formula. The formula for Next to Nature® is not known to other companies. There are no substitutes for this unique product.

Low Temperature Processing

Low temperature processing preserves the delicate enzymes that may be destroyed or modified by heating. Next to Nature’s cool processing method ensures that the enzymes in our product stay in their natural state. That’s one of the reasons Next to Nature® works so well.

Not Sold In Stores

We are the only company that is authorized to sell Next to Nature® directly to the public!

Contains Natural Aloe Vera

No preservatives or artificial ingredients!

Now Sold Directly To The Public!